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2025 Media Credentials Request

The 77th Redding Rodeo will take place May 14 - 17, 2025. We will be offering credentials to those members of the media who are on assignment only. Those who meet the requirements below and fill out this form prior to May 1 will be given first consideration.

• Applicants must be paid employees of media outlet or a freelance writer or photographer with a valid letter of assignment from the media outlet.

• Only photographers who are members in good standing of the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association (PRCA) and are approved by the Redding Rodeo will be allowed in the arena. The Redding Rodeo reserves the right to limit the number of PRCA photographers in the arena at any one time.

• Any secondary, non-editorial or commercial use of any image, film or drawing of the Redding Rodeo or participants is prohibited without prior written consent of the Redding Rodeo, PRCA and any person in the image. Press must respect the guests at the show and be “invisible” when taking photos or videos.

• If your Rodeo coverage is web based it must be easily available to everyone visiting your site.

• The Redding Rodeo is sanctioned by the PRCA which “retains all rights in and to the filming, taping, and recording in any media” therefore no photos or videos may be sold without prior permission of the PRCA. You must abide by all PRCA guidelines for photos and videos you may obtain these by contacting the PRCA at 719-593-8840 or visiting their website at www.prorodeo.com

• All photos must clearly be identified as being taken at the Redding Rodeo.

• The Redding Rodeo will restrict access to certain areas for safety reasons and require western attire to access some areas as outlined in PRCA rules. Details will be provided to those granted credentials.

• Publications/websites must be pertinent and subject to approval by the Redding Rodeo.

• Any still camera with a lens longer than 3 inches or professional video camera requires a press pass.

• The application must be filled out completely and a signed waiver included to be considered.

• Early application increases the likelihood of approval as a limited number of passes will be issued.

Media Type

What days do you plan attendting?

Name and Title of individuals requesting credentials

Organization Info

Your Information

Please provide a profile picture
I agree to follow all guidelines of the Redding Rodeo Association and the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association. For my safety I agree to only access places I am approved and to check in at the media trailer when I arrive.

Release of Liability

I acknowledge that rodeo is a sport which carries inherent risk of injury and damage to myself, my horse, and property. I knowingly assume all risks, whether known or unknown, of rodeo.

I hereby release the REDDING RODEO ASSOCIATION, FRIENDS OF REDDING RODEO, and the CITY OF REDDING from all liability for any act of negligence or want or ordinary care on the part of REDDING RODEO ASSOCIATION, Friends of Redding Rodeo and/or the CITY OF REDDING or any of its agents.

In consideration of my participation in events organized or sponsored by REDDING RODEO ASSOCIATION I waive, release, and discharge REDDING RODEO ASSOCIATION, FRIENDS OF REDDING RODEO and CITY OF REDDING their directors, officers, agents, and members, their representatives, heirs, executors, a assign from any and all claims of liability for injury or damages to myself my animals or my property arising out of my participation. This agreement is binding upon my executors, heirs an assign.

I expressly waive any rights I may have under California Civil Code 1542, which states: “A general release does not extend to claims which the creditor does not know or suspect to exist in his favor at the time of executing the release which if known to him might have materially affected his settlement with the debtor.”

I agree that I will indemnify and hold harmless REDDING RODEO ASSOCIATION, FRIENDS OF REDDING RODEO and CITY OF REDDING their officers, directors, members, and agents against all claims, demands, and causes of action, including court costs and actual attorney fees, arising from any proceedings or lawsuits brought by or prosecuted for my benefit, in which this release is upheld.

REDDING RODEO ASSOCIATION, FRIENDS OF REDDING RODEO and CITY OF REDDING, its agents or employees shall not be liable for any damage which may accrue from any cause or as a result of fire, theft, running away, state of health, injury to person, horse or property.

I acknowledge that I have read the Release of Liability and know and understand its contents. I understand that this affects my legal rights.

I agree to Terms and Waiver of Liability
Please let us know if you have any interview requests or story ideas that we can help set up for you.
I acknowledge that I have read and meet the requirements for being granted a media credential for the Redding Rodeo and I agree to abide by all of the guidelines presented. I also understand that all images, video and interviews attained by me and my organization granted under these privileges remain the property of the Redding Rodeo and that a press pass may be revoked by the Redding Rodeo at any time and for any reason. No images may be used for commercial purposes or sold in any way without permission from the Redding Rodeo and the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association.

Redding Rodeo Image Download

Trademark owned by Redding Rodeo

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